Water has been a subject for me for many years. I have seen it in many quite surprising forms in my dreams. It has come to be a symbol of the Holy Spirit in my work. It is foreign to me to paint something that does not contain water somewhere in some form.

My art is both autobiographical and universal in nature. It deals with imagery that point to my personal spiritual journey. The work goes beyond realism, dealing with both abstraction and transformation by implementing psychological factors. My artwork deals with the point of decision.  This is the point of transformation, the point in time when one can never be the same again. This is the crux.

Major influences for my work are the Bible and my dreams. I see my dreams as vehicles of communication, teachers, revealing an unfolding process of discovery and growth. The Bible serves as barometer for the personal, social, and spiritual path we are all on. It has been a window to view our collective spiritual walk while giving me a concrete realization of the interconnectedness we all have on the journey.


I Watched For It I Waited For It But It Caught Me By Surprise